I first want to put a plug in for everyone (all 3 of you!) to check out my friend's blog. http://silentarchimedes.wordpress.com/ It is a truely amazing site with strong analysis built into every blog written. He has written a blog analyzing what NY team combinations have the highest success rates in the past 25 years.
I bring this up for everyone to read but to highlight the fact that it's not easy being a Mets fan. I will say that it takes more heart and passion to be a Mets fan than say a Yankees fan (esp. for us 35 and youngers). It is very easy to support a team who always seems to be on top through the use of spending as much money as possible year in and year out. Being a fan of a team that has let you down year in and out shows true loyalty and passion (not to mention idiocity!) With that said, this is part one of many blogs I will write about my beloved Metties:
So, today is January 25, 2009 and Mets fans and many members of the press are getting ansy. We have endured two years of huge disappointments and with the new stadium (CitiField) on the horrizon, we are hoping for a fresh start. The Off season started with a bang with the trade that brought J.J. Putz (and got rid of Heilman) and the signing of K-Rod. Since then rumors, have been floating, free agents have been signing, and the Mets have nothing of real substance (Alex Cora, Freddy Garcia, Tim Redding?) to show for it. As fans we have our dream team. And I think most fans will all agree what we would like to see done in a perfect world. Lets sign Perez and Sheets for the starting rotation, Manny for Left field, trade Castillo and sign Hudson for second. Now, is that too much to ask? But then we are brought down to reality and we know that all those players are not in our horrizon.
The frustration comes when we know that we have holes on the team. The bullpen was improved drastically, we all agree. We sit here watching the Yankees and other teams improving their teams and fixing what problems they know they have. We have grown to like the art of spending also, esp. being in this market, and we do not understand why our management will not just spend or trade to make this team right. The the question is, what is really going on? I love when I listen to WFAN and hear analysis of why the Mets arent spending to get the players we know they should. It is Fred's decision, it is Omar's decision, Maddoff really hurt our financial abilities, the Mets are just waiting for the market to come to them, etc. Will we ever really understand why the Mets are faltering this off season? Probably not. The days are dwindling down to when Pitchers and Catchers meet and all we know is that our dream acquisitons are still available for the taking. It is no secret that players such as Hudson and Manny are waiting for something to sign. Are they waiting for a team like the Mets to get in the mix? Are they holding their breath just like us fans are? As Matt Cerrone wrote today:
fans recently are speaking out more and more on Manny and why he NEEDS to be in Queens. Overall, we will all be happy as long as the outcome is what we want to see, the World Series. Mets fans will play the role of Martyr and complain (maybe thats why so many of us Jews in the area are mets fans!) until that day comes.
So I end this with a plea to the Wilpons and Omar. PLEASE OH PLEASE don't sit still. You will make tons of money with the new park when all is said and done. Lets improve this team now and not watch as our competitors take more steps ahead of us. Bring Manny, Hudson, Perez, and Sheets to us!!! Nothing short of the World Series will do, we have hurt for too long!!